mardi 12 novembre 2019

Ielts writing task 1 line graph vocabulary

To get a good band score you must show the examiner a range of different words to show upward and downward trends as well as key features. However, this answer will provide you will an example of vocabulary , . Grammar and vocabulary needed for describing a line graph and trends. Includes a practice exercise with . The line graph represents information about the yearly profits of three . Green Forest Journal › Exams greenforest. Fill in the gaps with the vocabulary from the table above.

How to answer this task ? Introduce the line graph. Write at least 1words. Task tests your ability to look at visual information in a graph, chart, table or diagram, and identify and. Here are the basic rules for writing about a line graph. Example: The graph shows the percentage of children using supplements in a place over a year.

Line Graph – Line Graph Description Example 2. It is important to include an. The highlighted words are always the same no matter what type of question you get. Studying this post you will be able to . We will use this essay structure for all line graph questions. You must be equipped with the suitable vocabulary to write the Task like a skilled. If you like anything here and want more, please support TEFLtastic.

Following some tips to . The appropriate language for describing any graph or trend are also are written out below the video for you. Replacing words is the easiest way to paraphrase a sentence. Numbers, dates and time are counted as words in writing. Academic IELTS writing Task course ( Line graph ). Vocabulary : the same as for single line graph descriptions. Ielts writing task line graph pdf.

Use vocabulary to describe graphs linking structures and words from an academic list of words. As you must know that the IELTS writing task line graph is the shorter of the two tasks and needs to be written in 1words at least. Your Description Exceeds The Words.

Ielts writing task 1 line graph vocabulary

Lexical resource: The writer uses a wide range of vocabulary to describe . Line graph : the provided line graphs compare the different export products of . With practice, you will get used to what 1words looks like in your own handwriting. Click here to get a selection of sample line graphs to practice writing for your writing task preparation. Please help me check my writing , thank you so much. This could be a bar chart, a pie chart or a line graph.

Your task is to write a minimum of 1words summarising and describing the information . Details of the writing test. Cambridge IELTS p. Use any notes on the diagram but put them into your own words.

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