vendredi 29 mars 2019

English email example

Stratechery by Ben Thompson – On the business, strategy. If you are blogging about fashion, travel or foo then you can choose interesting or attractive themes related to this, which helps to attract . This judgment was handed down over two months ago but its relevance to the current rules on face masks in the UK makes for interesting. First visit to Myanmar-an interesting blog. The words and pictures give a good incite to first impressions of Myanmar. Cool Math Kids offers games and lessons to make math fun for kids.

Math Game Time offers a variety of games, videos and worksheets for . We ran a blogging challenge a while back, and surveyed the participants about the topic ideas they were . From website design to blog graphics and more, many companies seek out experienced graphic designers for all manner of projects. My next book – due for release in October, all being well – is about Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine. Some good info - are all govt buildings really the same color? Interesting blog post. From Prince Harry in Afghanistan to Tom Cruise ranting about Scientology and footage from the Burmese uprising, blogging has never been . What Project Valhalla Can Bring to Java (video with transcript) – Valhalla is a really interesting project for Java, particularly in the context of . I am happy to answer such questions and try to support people (see this blog ). In my opinion, there has been so much interesting new software . Hoadley became a politician he was quite a prolific blogging on a site called LiveJournal.

It is interesting to note that this blog was just deleted last week. I really liked initiative sharing interesting cybersecurity articles so I though why not share blog posts of the last month from NordVPN that I found . Two circles, and the magic is where they intersect, cool. When mulling over what to blog about, I use this type of diagram to decide what I am . View the sources of every statistic in the book.

English email example

Or for something totally different, here is a pet project: When is the next time something cool will happen in space? Unsurprisingly, youll run out of things to say on your blog at some point, so the trick is to keep looking for interesting things elsewhere and make the most of it. Neural speech synthesis is an interesting deep learning field for researchers as it shares features. He also blogs about his work on Medium. The warping is certainly the cool part here.

Some fancy math literally transforms the path data to do the warping. But the UX detail work here is just as nice. Organize and read all your trusted publications and blogs in one place. Feedly Blog Slack CommunityTwitterLinkedIn . A breakdown of the Cowboys roster offers up some interesting.

English email example

I do not myself have particular opinions on these questions, but I found this piece interesting throughout. Here is one excerpt: The simple and unarguable truth is . Monitor the web for interesting new content. At most once a day.

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