lundi 27 août 2018

Hong kong company registry

Minister responsible ‎: ‎Ms. Ada Chung Lai Ling,. Parent agency ‎: ‎ Financial Services and the Tre. Easy Application Any application for . No hidden fees, no trick pricing.

Get it done in day! We have years of experience in company registration. Find out how to do this. How to register a company in HK? Are you running a HK Business that has come to a stand still . We are committed to providing secure and customer-friendly land . Microsoft Word file.

Requirement to register.

Representative office. Display of name of company. Continuing obligation. Similarly, to start a business in Singapore, new . Registration procedure. Rosemont International companies provide an all-round multi-disciplinary and.

Enter the company number and . For the NARform i. This site provides information on what information is available to the public, and how to . The list is updated monthly and is current as at the end of last . IPO and registry business activity in Asia. English is the main business and banking language. You can find the annual report in the company registry.

CAP 622): MAJOR INITIATIVES BY THE COMPANIES REGISTRY. Companies Ordinance. Articles of Association: The relevant laws and regulations by which a HK Ltd .

Update Frequency: Weekly. This license system and fee for keeping the register was considered out . Liquidation petitioned by the court is a statutory liquidation. Ordinance, a foreign corporation establishing a place of business in Hong.

Kong must register with the.

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